1 | director | Ramli, SE, MM |
2 | Deputy Director I | Hilmansyah, ST, MT |
3 | Deputy Director II | Zulkifli, ST, MT |
4 | Deputy Director III | Candra Irawan, ST, M.Sc. |
5 | Academic Coordinator | Ariawan Kusuma, S. Kom |
6 | Coordinator for Student Affairs and Cooperation | Edi Wibowo Linda Setiabudi, SE |
7 | Planning Coordinator | Danu Hermawan, S.Si |
8 | Finance Coordinator | Ida Suriana, SE, MM |
9 | General Affairs Coordinator | Royani HM, S. Sos. |
10 | Personnel Coordinator | Arief Triono, S. Sos. |
11 | Head of UPT Library | Dwi Lesmideyarti, ST, M. Kom. |
12 | Head of UPT Language | Masrul Huda, MA |
13 | Head of UPT Information System | Hadiyanto, ST, M.Eng. |
14 | Head of UPT Guidance and Counseling/Career Development Center (CDC) | Rahmat Bangun Giarto, ST, M.Eng. |
15 | Head of Mechanical Engineering Department | Ali Abrar, S.Si., MT |
16 | Head of Electrical Engineering Department | Drs. Armin, MT |
17 | Head of Civil Engineering Department | Drs. Sunarno, M.Eng. |
18 | Head of Hospitality Department | Henry Winnarko, S.Pd., M.Pd. |
19 | Head of Accounting Department | Dessy Handa Sari, SE, MM |
20 | Head of Center for Learning Development & Education Quality Assurance | Mahfud, S.Pd., MT |
21 | Head of Center for Research and Community Service | Ir. Ida Bagus Dharmawan, ST, M.Sc. |
22 | Head of Internal Supervisory Unit | Drs. Totok Ismawanto, MM.Pd. |
23 | Chairman of the Senate | Totok Sulistyo, ST, MT |